Fall is the superior season: And here's why ...

Disclaimer: I am unashamedly obsessed with all things fall. Call me a basic white girl, but as soon as there is the slightest hint of crisp air or changing leaves, I cannot help myself. However, it is not just my undying love of tiny pumpkins, UGG boots and sweaters that fuel my devotion to this season. I have actual, legitimate and thought through reasons why I believe the autumnal season is better than all the others. And, no, I was not under the influence of PSL when I wrote this.  

The weather

Fall is the perfect amount of crisp and chilly to warrant a hoodie or sweater, but not enough to need a bulky coat. Seriously, what other season can you comfortably be outside without getting too hot or too cold? And don’t say spring. We don’t have spring in the Midwest. 

The colors

The autumn color palette is by far more aesthetically pleasing than any other season. Spring is bright and kind of clashy, winter is white/gray with those crazy Christmas colors red and green, and summer is, well, I don’t know, but you get the point. Fall colors are soft and beautiful in every way. 

The food

Fall flavors are hands down the best of any other season. In fact, I think it may be the only season that has distinct flavors associated with it. Apple and pumpkin everything is absolutely everywhere. You can practically smell cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves the minute you walk out the door, and I am so here for it! 

The crunch

The most satisfying part of fall is hearing that “crunch” under your feet as you walk. Those crisp crunchy leaves are just one of those magical sounds of the season.

The soup

Okay, this one may sound weird, but I honestly get so excited when it gets cold outside so that I have an excuse to curl up with a big, warm bowl of soup (and a TON of bread, of course!). Why don’t I just eat soup in the summer? Because only weirdos do that. 

The orchards and “patches”

Who doesn’t love romping through pumpkin patches and apple orchards, drinking apple cider and getting lost in corn mazes? You don’t get to do that any other time of year. 

So, now that I have convinced you, go put on your comfiest hoodie, grab a PSL and crunch your way along to the nearest pumpkin patch and enjoy the fall season in all its glory! 

By Hannah Olin