Fiji’s checkered past: The story behind #shutfijidown

Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) is a fraternity chapter of the University of Nebraska that made Lincoln news in August. The frat carries a history of inappropriate behavior, which led it to make a significant appearance on many people’s social media when serious allegations were made against them.

Fiji hosted a party at the frat in August, and several people complained that the party was “too wild.” Sometime during this party, two underaged students entered the premises. Later, a 19 year old male assaulted one of those underaged students.

After the incident occurred, Lincoln Police initiated an investigation that also examined the rest of Fiji’s checkered past. University of Lincoln Police Chief, Hassan Ramzah, said this about the investigation: “given the sensitive nature, we work with the victim at their pace in investigation, not behind or ahead, but with them." 

After fall classes began and word spread about the assault, students, neighbors and teachers gathered to protest Fiji’s presence connected to UNL. Several hundred students protested Fiji with #shutdownfiji on social media. The issue went national when signs protesting Fiji appeared in Missouri and Iowa.

 6UNL suspended the frat pending the investigation. University Chancellor Ronnie Green had this to say: “the university has a ‘responsibility’ to follow the legal guidance and process for investigating sexual assault and to ‘protect the rights of all involved.’" 

As mentioned, Fiji had a checkered history, and this is not the first suspension Fiji has seen. They received a three-year suspension following inappropriate conduct at a woman’s march. The vice chancellor of student affairs, Juan N. Franco, stated on March 21, 2017, “We have completed a thorough investigation and review, and we have found a clear pattern of conduct that is inconsistent with expectations for a student organization at our university. We have taken appropriate action to address the chapter’s culture and ensure the safety of our students.”

Fraternity director, Bill Martin, said about the members of Fiji on the same date as Franco’s release and when the original suspension was placed, “The members of the chapter have expressed their commitment to the changes and progress necessary to regain recognition from the university. We all appreciate the opportunity to cooperate with the university to fashion a meaningful rehabilitation plan to accomplish this.”

For those out there who have been affected by the actions of Fiji, UNL, any fraternity or any one person, who is a survivor of assault, you are not alone. There are many sources for you out there. Places like RAINN are there for you to report abuse. You can go to their website or call 800-656-HOPE. You are not a victim, you are a survivor.

By TJ Pittenger