Black Friday is coming!

Thanksgiving break is upon us, and that means that Black Friday is nearly here. Many people will be taking advantage of the widespread deals to buy holiday gifts for family and friends (or even a little gift for themselves). Thankfully, most of the deals are in a department known for its exorbitant prices – the tech aisle.

Last year, Americans spent $9 billion on Black Friday, and that number could likely go up this year. It’s also getting more difficult to shop these great deals, since due to the pandemic, stores started their deals much earlier to limit the number of people in their stores. That trend is continuing this year, and many people don’t know if items will go down in price – or go out of stock.

How can you make sure to get the most out of Black Friday tech shopping this year? Here are a few tips:

-   If you’re shopping at a store with a Black Friday guarantee, make your purchase now while items are still in stock. Many stores, such as Best Buy and Target, are offering guarantees so you don’t have to worry about the price going down after you buy the item – because if it does, they’ll refund the difference. It’s best to get what you need sooner rather than later, because things might become unavailable if you wait too long.

-   Know what you’re looking for before you go. While it’s true that holiday sales don’t tend to be on every single product, you’ll want to figure out what it is that you’re looking for to avoid buying unnecessary toys and to actually get deals on the things you need. This is especially important if you’re not partial to certain tech brands such as Apple.

-   Consider whether your items will make good gifts. Make sure that your gifts are actually something the recipient would appreciate. Unfortunately, your friends and family may not enjoy tech as much as you do. If you want to get them tech, consider if it will make their life easier or not (and whether or not they will agree with you!).

-   Check if your new gadgets are compatible with your current gear (and read reviews too). That Apple Watch may be cool and functional, but it won’t work at all if you try to pair it with your Samsung Galaxy. Also, be sure to check reviews, as some manufacturers claim that their devices are compatible with others, but in reality their consumers might end up losing out on a lot of features.

-   Be safe. Black Friday events can be packed, and while that’s a lot of fun, it does come with added safety concerns. If a fellow shopper is willing to fight with you over the last 50% off TV, it is not worth the discount! Also, it’s a good idea to keep any cash or credit/debit cards in your pocket or purse (and always keep that purse near you). If shopping with children unequipped with cell phones, you should either keep them with you or agree on a central location to meet at a specific time.

I hope these tips help you to have an enjoyable Black Friday experience this year! I’m so excited about all the deals that are coming. Wishing you all an awesome shopping trip!

By Charles Metz

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