I'm done: Beating the mid-semester slump

Well folks, as hard as it is to believe, the semester is well over half-way through. However, this milestone often brings with it the infamous mid-semester slump. This is the part of the semester when the going starts to get rough. I’m sure you know what I mean, right? The feelings of burn-out begin creeping in until they are very real and overwhelming. Even though you have been working so hard thus far to keep on top of assignments, projects and work, now you are feeling just kind of done. Every morning feels like you are starting the same day over and over again. All your energy goes into squeezing every last drop of motivation out of your academically wearied brain. Don’t worry though. Misery loves company, and I think I can safely say that there are many on campus who are also sharing in this misery. As someone who is also currently dealing with the dreaded slump, here are some tips and ideas I have found helpful. 

  1. Give up.

  2. Lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling. 

  3. Contemplate working for McDonalds because they are probably paying more per hour than the career for which you are currently going to school. 

  4. Scroll through social media and think about how influencers are able to make so much money.

  5. Think about becoming a social media influencer. 

  6. Realize that, to be a social media influencer, you would have to have a life. But you don’t have a life, so, therefore, you have no content. 

  7. Stare blankly at the ceiling again for a while. 

  8. Get out of bed and wander around your room for a bit. Maybe look out the window and look at the squirrels. 

  9. Think about how uncomplicated a squirrel’s life is. They never have to get degrees.  

  10. Sit down at your desk. 

  11. Look at the first item on your seemingly endless to-do list. 

  12. Decide that you may as well do it. 

  13. Complete it and then move on to the next. 

  14. Realize that you are being productive and rejoice. 

  15. Go back to step one and repeat as often as necessary. You can even switch it up a bit if you want and start with step four or eight. Whatever you feel like. 

Hope this helps.  

Sincerely, your slumped author. 

By Hannah Olin