Nebraska v. Iowa: Two states battle it out for corm supremacy

It seems like Nebraska is finally living up to its biggest stereotype. And what is that stereotype, you may ask? That Nebraska is nothing but cornfields. Well, believe it or not, Nebraska is not the top state for corn production. That title belongs to Iowa. Well now Nebraska is wanting that title for itself. 

Last week Governor Pete Ricketts officially announced that the state of Nebraska will be filing a lawsuit against Iowa for the sole production rights to corn. Since this is a state vs. state case, this case will be going directly to the Supreme Court. It is currently unknown if this case will even be heard considering the controversy behind it. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds said that she found this lawsuit preposterous and that it puts the livelihoods of thousands of Iowan farmers at risk. She also said without corn Iowa would have no purpose being a state as there is nothing else in Iowa. 

We expect to hear within the next few weeks whether or not this case will be picked up by the Supreme Court, but if it does and Nebraska wins, it’ll significantly boost the economy of Nebraska and ravage the economy of its neighbor. Nebraska is attempting to justify this move with the notion that since they’re the most commonly associated with cornfields, then they should be the main state producing it. This is causing worry amongst other corn producing states such as Illinois and Missouri. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker said that he worried that if Nebraska wins this lawsuit, they’ll come for Illinois next and that would mean that’d be one less thing they can impose taxes on. Missouri Governor Mike Parson said it’s very unsettling to be right in the middle of a dispute such as this between its northern and western neighbors. Regardless of the reaction to this lawsuit, we could be in for a nasty battle in the courtroom as states battle it out for this massive asset to their economies.

By Evan Majors