Student Association elections announced

Be a part of campus leadership

Nominations are open for people to join the 2023-2024 Student Association team. There are five positions open for nomination: The executive president, executive vice president, vice president of finance, vice president of public relations and the vice president of social life. Each of these positions are incredibly important with big jobs.

The executive president is the student representative for the Union College Board of Trustees meetings. They are also responsible for supporting all of the other executive officers and ensuring they are doing their job. The executive president runs each SA meeting and makes sure they go as smoothly as possible. A great president can help boost an entire SA team.

The executive vice president is the chair of the Student Senate. They make sure the senate meets at least seven times per semester and present approved legislation to the president. The executive vice president also helps the Vice President of Finance get the SA budget approved through Student Senate each year and keep the SA Constitution and bylaws up to date. To be eligible for this position, service on the Student Senate is required. 

The vice president of finance creates an official SA budget and calculates all of the expected expenditures for the year. Once calculations are made, they present the budget to the Student Senate for approval. They are also responsible for making sure funds are not being misused by overseeing the spending for all of SA. 

The vice president of public relations connects the communication bridge between SA and all of the students. They ensure all campus activities are publicized to Union students and work with the vice president of social life to guarantee the events are on the calendar. The vice president of public relations is in charge of the Student Association Instagram account and designing SA shirts for the year.

The vice president of social life is responsible for planning all of the SA events. They maintain the calendar of events and keep everything organized. They have the ability to create a social committee to help run and plan events. The Social Vice President has one of the biggest responsibilities in ensuring activities for students to join.

Are you or a friend a good fit for one of these positions? SA nominations are open and elections will be held on March 9th. Please reach out to any member of the Student Association team for questions.

By: Andrew Scwartz