Editor's Farewell

My journey at The Clocktower started with one article.

I was a freshman during the fall of 2020. When I wasn’t wandering around Lincoln in a KN-95, or quarantined to my room after a risky unmasked car ride, I was reveling in the fact that, for the first time in my life, all my classes were in subjects I enjoyed — namely English and communication. Not only did I have plenty of writing to do for classes, but also I had an opportunity to write for publication and get paid. And so, I submitted my first article to The Clocktower.

A month after publication, assistant editor Juliet Bromme reached out to me. She was taking over the editor-in-chief position for the spring semester, and she had a section editor opening on the team. Would I be interested in the position?

Of course I said yes. For the last seven semesters, it has been my pleasure to be a part of The Clocktower team, first as entertainment section editor and then as editor-in-chief.

I joined The Clocktower to build my resume and improve my writing and editing skills. While I did learn a lot about those things, I learned even more about teamwork, leadership, accounting, and graphic design. I’ve come a long way since my first layout session (the file refused to export for two hours) and even further since my first section meeting (nobody liked my powerpoint) (in their defense, the meeting did *not* warrant a powerpoint). Each of the 70 issues I’ve worked on has been an educational experience in one way or another, and the skills I’ve learned here will carry me far.

Even though my future is exciting, writing this last editorial is bittersweet. I am so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here and more so, the people I’ve met. Thank you to all The Clocktower teams I’ve worked with. It’s folks like you that make it worthwhile. Thank you to our sponsor, Dean Stacy Stocks, for her support and guidance on each issue. Thank you to Union for providing an outlet for student journalism for the last 98 years. And thank you, reader, for lending us your attention each week.

As I look forward to the next era of The Clocktower, I feel confident that next year’s editor-in-chief, Evan Majors will have many exciting things in store. I hope Union Adventist University will always have students love both The Clocktower and the institution that publishes it as much as I do.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

By Annika Cambigue