DIY Earth's Devotion body butter recipe

I love moisturizers. If it nourishes my skin, let’s go. But, I’m not a big fan of breaking out from sensitive skin or those fake scents that just seem a bit too strong.

What I am a fan of is DIY, all natural, projects. Enter: homemade body butter. Unlike lotion, this now perfected body butter recipe isn’t made with water. Meaning, a little goes a long way to create smooth skin.

I’ve done the hard work for you and discovered what I consider to be the best way to make body butter. I’m letting you in on my secret recipe. Don’t have time to make your own? You can actually purchase a freshly made jar from me, Earth’s Devotion Body Butter.

Time to explain my shameless call to purchase: For my MRKT 333 class, I’m selling my body butter for a limited time. At $9.50 for four ounces, I’m not trying to make a huge profit from my fellow Unionites. But, I do need to cover my expenses and late hours of creation.

I have four types of body butter available: eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint or original unscented. I use the exact recipe listed here, so whether you make it yourself or you want to purchase from me, you know exactly what’s going into your moisturizer.

Be nourished from the inside out.

Let’s talk over the ingredients I use and why.

Shea butter is insanely nourishing to the skin. While supporting healthy skin it can also help heal damaged skin. With naturally occurring vitamin E and SPF, why wouldn’t you always have shea around?

Coconut oil helps give the skin a healthy, smooth and even tone. This is due to the saturated fats that helps the skin stay moisturized, with the fat preventing moisture loss through the skin’s pores.

Olive oil gets a bad rep for moisturizing because of its initial greasiness. But, olive oil actually penetrates deep into the skin and provides a long-lasting shield of moisture to keep skin smooth and supple.

Tapioca starch makes your end product less greasy and absorb quicker into the skin.

Essential oils are not required, but if you want a nice scent and the benefits of using natural oils, pay attention. I use two oils in my body butter unless it is unscented. First, geranium oil is used to help minimize inflammation and improve circulation while also helping the butter to last longer. The other oils are used for scent depending on which you prefer. I love eucalyptus for cleanliness, lavender for sleep and peppermint for focus.

Here’s the how-to:

Notes: I weigh by weight with a small food scale. This recipe makes three four ounce containers of body butter.

You will need:

4.8 ounces shea butter
4.8 ounces coconut oil
2.4 ounces olive oil
1.5 teaspoons tapioca starch
15 drops geranium oil
25-30 drops scented oil of choice
*omit essential oils to make unscented*
1 medium size glass mixing bowl
1 small pot
1 wooden spoon or rubber spatula
A small mixer (I recommend one that doesn’t have a bowl attached)
Four ounce jars with lids
A freezer, if desired to cool quicker

To make:

Fill the small pot 1/4 the way with water and put on the stove to boil. Don't put butters in the pot directly over heat or microwave them. They can burn and shea can become grainy if overheated. Add ingredients together except essential oils and tapioca starch in the glass bowl. Melt ingredients by creating a double boiler with pot. Let the mix melt completely and CAREFULLY remove from stove.

After it has cooled a bit you can either a) put it in the freezer for one hour or b) let it sit on the counter for 2-3 hours. The point is you want the liquid to cool until it solidifies but don’t want it to be rock hard.

Once solid, take the mixer and beat on medium until white peaks start to form. I mix mine on low-medium for seven minutes or more, depending on how whipped I desire it. Once whipped, add the tapioca starch and essential oils. Beat on low for one minute.

Finally the time has come! Put the body butter into desired containers. I weigh mine to ensure they are four ounces. Store at room temperature for four to six months.


To order Earth’s Devotion Body Butter, email or call 816-315-2810

10% of sales go to “All About That Grace” ministry for the homeless.

$9.50 for four ounces. Ready within four days.

Emy Wood is a junior communications major specializing in public relations and emerging media. She loves cooking vegan and gluten-free food, reading, writing, playing guitar, learning Spanish and seeing people spell her name with just one "m." Emy grew up on a farm and has owned every creature from llamas to a wallaby. She considers baby animals the best thing on earth.