Advice from seniors
| PC: Jorrdan Bissell
Graduation is right around the corner for some, and for the rest—well, it’s another good-bye to some of Union’s most familiar faces. But have no fear—if you’re not yet graduating, you’ll be joining their ranks as alumni soon enough! As we look forward to that awesome day, some seniors reflect on their experience at Union, and hope their advice can help those still riding on the struggle bus. As evidenced in these reflections, whether you’re graduating today or tomorrow, always strive to do your balanced best.
Daniel Ikpeama—Music Performance
Be open to anything—not everything, but be open to random opportunities. Be ready to pursue what it is you want to do. Look for opportunities, and make opportunities. You never really know what you’ll be able to do … If you confine yourself to one thing, especially in music, you’ll find it’s that much harder to find a job. Be ready to do whatever.
Aldwyn Montaque—Graphic Design
Just put in the hard work. At first, it’ll be terrible, it’ll be ugly. But, if you put in the hard work, you’ll eventually find your style.
Rachel Gregerson—Pre-Allied Health
Get to know your professors outside of class. It can help you understand them better during lectures.
Kaitlynn Toay—Biology
My advice would be to avoid procrastination. Plan ahead, have a planner and write all of your test and project dates in it. Start projects early so you can finish a few days before the deadline. It'll take a lot of the stress out of college life and give you more time to do fun things, as well!
Benjamin Baugher—Engineering
Set your goals, focus on them, and make certain these goals are strong enough to motivate yourself for at least 4 years.
Dylan Smith—Computer Science
Start internships as early as you can, and to try to do a lot of your own research/side projects during your free time. Both of those things add more to your learning experience than sitting through a class lecture ever could.
Abner Campos—Theology
Remember that your religion classes are not your relationship with Jesus. And, have a teachable spirit.
Eliezer Roque-Cisneros—Theology
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
James Canarsky—Mathematics
Talk to your teachers! Most of the faculty that I have interacted with are more than willing to talk to you about questions or things that you don't understand in their class. Take advantage of this. Don't get a bad grade because you didn't ask a question!
Jessica Santee—International Rescue and Relief
Take every chance you can to practice your skills, be involved, and build relationships with the instructors. Most of all, have fun and love what you do!
Giovanna Chavez—Psychology
Do an internship. It's not a requirement, but it has been so helpful in getting a feel for the field and narrowing down what you want to do after graduation—grad school, work, etc.
Stefani Leeper—Communication
Write out all of your assignments in a schedule book! And don’t forget to appreciate your professors—believe it or not, they can be the ties who help you secure that dream job or internship. Speaking of which, actively seek out an internship early on in your college career. Finally, make time to participate in at least one Union College drama production, and be an active volunteer in the community; doing so will build your character.
Autumn Mott is a sophomore studying communication.