Creative writing class selling handmade cards for Lincoln Lighthouse

Hand-making greeting cards to sell for charity, Union students channeled creativity for the greater good. | PC: Zach Morrison

Hand-making greeting cards to sell for charity, Union students channeled creativity for the greater good. | PC: Zach Morrison

If you’ve ever found yourself faced with the difficult task of choosing an appropriate card for a special occasion then you’re aware of how aisles of greeting cards can be daunting. Luckily, Chris Blake’s Creative Writing class is selling their handmade cards not only for a low price, but also to raise money for a good cause.

The Creative Writing class, offered during the spring semester of odd years, first sold their handmade greeting cards in 2015 and raised money to help Heather Boulais, a student at Union who suffered a traumatic brain injury after a gymnastics accident. This year the class will donate the proceeds from the card sales to Lincoln’s Lighthouse.

Peter Allman, one of Lighthouse’s founders, describes the organization as “an after-school program for teens who are at-risk for many unhealthy behaviors.” “Our number one goal,” Allman says, “is education and [that] each and every student earn their high school diploma.”

For 26 years, Lighthouse has strived to help students grow mentally, physically and socially. Lighthouse not only offers educational help, but also after-school snacks, an evening meal and other enrichment activities. Enrichment activities include art classes, counseling groups for girls and boys, self-esteem classes and a financial literacy program.

Allman says 850 different teens came to the facility last year, but with their after-school programs at Lincoln Southeast, Northwest and Lincoln High, they provided services to 2,500 students total.

This program is free to middle and high school students who are actively attending a school (or pursuing a G.E.D.), are abstaining from being under the influence drugs and alcohol, and act respectfully towards Lighthouse property and the people there. They only ask you try to live by the values of love, respect, diversity, education, personal responsibility, honesty and belonging.

If interested in purchasing a card and helping  support this local organization, the cards will be on display on the magnetic board in the Humanities department until Feb. 3 and will later be available for purchase in the campus bookstore for $2.99 each.

Cards both witty and heartfelt will be available for various occasions including birthdays, graduations, friendships, and couples—perfect for the upcoming Valentine’s Day.

Blake, comments, “These cards demonstrate the amazing creativity of our students. Look out, Hallmark!”

For more information about Lincoln’s Lighthouse, you can visit their website at

Amanda McCarter is a sophomore studying biomedical science.