HOUC 92.8
HOUC is compiled by Mike Ayala.
“During my first year at Union, I felt like I didn’t really open myself up to new opportunities that the campus had to offer. I wasn’t really attending many ASB events and just did my own thing. I also didn’t really open up to different worship opportunities. This consequently led to a unenjoyable first year of college. However, this year I opened myself up more so that I could grow more spiritually and socially. Through opening up, I realized that union does offer a variety of worship opportunities. Whether it be worship talks, guest speakers, chapels, heart scan, or concerts it’s always nice to have options and be able to experience something new every week. Personally, I really enjoyed the smaller worship concert after Project Impact because there was just a great variation of music that was spiritually awakening to me. The whole congregation was praising God that night and it was a powerful moment where we all came together. As a final point, I would advise people to never close themselves off to new opportunities that union has to offer. Even if you had a bad experience don’t close yourself off to any others because you might miss out on some great experiences.”
Alyse Maxwell is a sophomore pre-nursing student