Welcome to the Next Step


Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do in life. It’s such a conflicting experience to stand at the end of a journey. It’s an emotional experience mixed with both joy and sorrow. What makes saying goodbye so difficult other than it’s just a part of being human? The human spirit longs for adventure but writhes at the thought of the adventure ever coming to a close. 
The reality is that all good adventures must some day reach an end, however, the old adage rings true that all endings are a new beginning. So here is to new beginnings. The beginning of a new summer, a new semester, and a new step in life. That is what is so beautiful about endings is that it means a new beginning is on the horizon. 
This past year at Union has been unforgettable. Each day has come packed with wonderful people and new experiences. While I’ve had my fair share of late nights, I wouldn’t trade those stressed packed evenings for anything because in the midst of them I shared wonderful moments with my family here at Union College.
The Clocktower has become a part of me. I’ve seen the pages each week graced by the content of writers and photographers with such beautiful talent. I’ve spent dozens of evenings in The Clocktower office with my editorial staff preparing each issue and seen the tireless effort they’ve put into making each issue perfect. To say that I’m proud of what my team has accomplished this year would be an understatement. 
My only hope as we make preparations to step into the next school year is that you the reader have found stories and messages within these pages that have brightened your day, given you something new to think about, or just made you smile. We’ve strived to make this one of the best volumes of The Clocktower this campus has had. We’re just a small section of a long history of journalists, but these issues will always be personal to us.
From all of us at The Clocktower, we hope you all have a summer filled with adventure, loved ones, and memories. To those returning, we look forward to seeing you in the fall. To those not returning, know that you’ll be missed and that we hope for the best in whatever you do. To those graduating, we are excited for you as you embark on an even bigger journey. It’s been a sensational year family. 
I’m proud to close the cover on Volume 92 and am eager to see my predecessor open the cover on Volume 93 in the fall. You won’t want to miss it!
Gabriel Flechas