Let us Begin

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Now has the new school year begins and the semester starts, I have one common thought on my mind. I AM FREAKING OUT!!!

For one thing, I am a senior this year, which means the real world is coming at me real fast. Another is that I am the new Editor-in-Chief of this here Clocktower. Honestly that’s the freakiest part, I never thought I would be in charge of our newspaper, especially after seeing what an amazing job Meagan had done with it.

The shoes that were left to fill were huge. She however, thought I could fill them and I do not want to let her nor you the people down. So as the start of the Clocktower, edition 94 commences, I wanted to dedicate it to you, the students of Union College.

I hope and pray that the content we produce, you will find relevant and relatable. If you feel that the Clocktower needs to make a change to something, let us know. Feedback is vital in any kind of media outlet. We are here to serve you. So sit back, take a break, ignore that homework for just a little bit longer and enjoy the first issue of the 94th edition of the Clocktower!

Jovan Cross is a senior studying graphic design.