Finding Your “Word of the Year”


Now that the New Year has rolled around, you may be thinking about aspects of yourself or your lifestyle that you want to improve upon this year. If you’re like me, thinking about New Year’s resolutions can be stressful. It’s great to plan for the things you want to prioritize this year, but it can also be daunting. So for 2020, I’m switching things up and I’m inviting you to join me.

You may have heard of people selecting a “Word of the Year.” The idea is that you carefully pick one word that holds a deep meaning for you and the year you want to have. Every day, focus on this word to guide your actions and your daily outlook. This process is simple, and I have found that it leads to real inspiration and motivation to become a better you.

The first step is to reflect on 2019. Think about what you want more or less of in your life. Reflect on what went well and what failed this last year. Think about what you want to accomplish as you get older. Contemplate how you want to feel as each day comes to a close.

To get you thinking in the right direction, I’ve compiled some possible words that have stuck out to me in my own process. One possible word is “service.” Maybe you don’t have anything specific you want to change about yourself, but you know that you have time and energy that can be spent helping others. Another option is “grounded.” Perhaps this last year really shook you up, and you just want to return to stable ground. “Finish” is a great word if you’re a senior. If you just want to live your best life, maybe you’ll select “thrive.” Some other possible words to consider are diligence, appreciation, forgiveness, hustle, laughter, and adventure. What is the one thing that at the end of 2020, you want to be able to say you have strived for and achieved?

Hannah Drewieck is a sophomore studying business administration