Lincoln Man Goes Viral for Boneless Chicken Wing Speech

On Aug. 31, a man by the name of Ander Christensen went before the city council to bring change to this city. Ander fought hard for something he truly believes in. He wanted to change the name of boneless chicken wings. Ander, the brave man that he is, went before the city to plead for the change that this city deserves.

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He gave an incredible speech citing that boneless chicken wings are truly not wings, because they did not come off the bone where wings grew. “Our children are being raised afraid of having bones attached to their meat,” Anders said. “That’s where it comes from, meat grows on bones! We need to teach them that the wing of the chicken is from a chicken and it's delicious.”

Anders fought\ for the name of the boneless chicken wing to be changed, saying that one would never order other things boneless such as boneless club sandwiches or boneless auto-repair. He suggested changing the name from boneless wings to saucy nuggets, wet tenders or trash.

He believed in this movement. However, a poll provided mixed results. I took this to the school and conducted a study on my Instagram, @backtowearingknockoffs. This showed that students did in fact prefer bone-in chicken wings with 56% of students preferring bone-in and 44% of students favoring boneless. There was a 50/50 split between those who would order things without bones.  About half said they would order different things boneless and the other half said they would never order other things boneless. Finally, 51% of students would actually want to change the name of boneless chicken wings to something else while 49% would like to keep it the same. When asked what they would prefer boneless chicken wings to be called, names like “Tenders,” “tips,” “trash,” “Saucynuggies,” “Pieces of whatever part of the chicken its from,” “spicy nuggets,” “Adnuggets,” “Meat chunks,” “Expensive Nuggets” and “Fancy Nuggets” were suggested.

After Anders went before city council, the movement he started turned into something serious. Buffalo Wild Wings saw his appeal and decided to do something good. They gave Anders free chicken wings for a year. They also decided to donate $1 for every boneless chicken wing that was sold on Labor Day here in Lincoln to the Boys and Girls Club of America. In the end, Anders did bring a bit of change even if this was just a joke.


TJ Pittinger is a Sophomore

Theology Major from

Gilson, Illinois

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