Going green: Easy ways to be eco-friendly while in college

You might have noticed some things have changed in the cafe. Different take-out trays, plates, bowls, etc., are all part of Union’s effort to go green and do its part in taking care of the environment. While this is a great way to be more eco-friendly, there are so many other ways you can go green, even while at college. Here are a few easy ways that you can be an eco-friendlier student.

Become a plant parent

Instead of buying air fresheners or sprays that are often filled with chemicals, adopt a plant! Not only will it give you a fun little friend to take care of, but it will also filter the air in your room, reducing and neutralizing odors.


Try to unplug small devices and electronics when they are not in use, such as a coffee maker, blow dryer, etc. Also, try not to leave the charger for your phone, computer or other device plugged in when they are not being used.


If possible, shop at thrift and secondhand stores. Buying (and donating!) secondhand clothing and other items is a great way to reuse and recycle. Not only will you be helping the environment, but your wallet might thank you too! Check out some local thrift stores, including Goodwill, Salvation Army, Cause for Paws and more.

Plates, bottles and bags (oh my!)

Whenever you can, try to use the paper plates and recycled trays at the café. Invest in a water bottle that you can refill, rather than buying bottled water. Avoid using plastic bags by putting your snacks from Coopers in your backpack or taking a reusable bag to the store. If you are bringing your food back to your room, skip the plastic forks and spoons and use your own, washable ones instead. All these “little” things really add up!


Thankfully, there are recycling bins beside almost every trash can on campus, making it easy to recycle. Always put anything recyclable into the designated bins. While most students take notes on their computers and teachers put most of their material online, there is still a lot of paper that goes into college. Although it is easy to just toss them in the trash, collect your excess papers and take them to the recycling.

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to be more eco-friendly. An extra step here, a little toss there, really can make a huge difference!

By Hannah Olin