You should get out more: My first concert

The joy of a first-time experience is always incredible. Then, you wish you could experience it for the first time again, just for the experience.

I was raised conservatively in New England, literally the middle of nowhere. All of my friends were from my tiny church school. My home church has maybe 50 people, mostly the Silent Generation and early Baby Boomers. Needless to say, in my mind, a concert was a symphony orchestra or band orchestra. When my sister began her obsession with One Direction, I learned about fan culture and all that entailed. I was disgusted. The girls shrieking and waving posters were almost vulgar to my young mind. I mentally decided that I would never be in that group of people.

I have changed a lot since then. Now, I’m in college in Lincoln, Nebraska, literally “the middle of everywhere.” I have a car and I am able to do nearly anything I want. And how better to use that freedom than to go to a concert?

My first experience with AJR was their song “Weak” in 2017, and it became my anthem through high school. Beyond that, I didn’t listen to any of their music. Like many other people, I rediscovered AJR in March 2020, when their single “Bang” went viral on TikTok. I began listening to their other music and loved them. When my friend Annika asked me and some other people if we were interested in going to an AJR concert, I said yes. AJR’s Ok Orchestra was coming to Des Moines Sept. 14. The three-hour drive was a mild concern, but we decided to run with it.

The arena where the concert was held wasn’t huge. I could clearly see the stage from our balcony seats. Being so near to people who are famous brought a strange feeling with it, like a broken wall. The incredible artists are just people who are very talented and have created music that I and many other people love. Now, I love AJR’s music even more, if that is possible.

Being in college means that you are here to learn. That includes more than your classes*. Make friends, go out and enjoy new experiences. I recommend Kelina’s column for recommendations on what to do around Lincoln, but feel free to approach me for ideas too.


*Be responsible. I stressed for days doing a lot of homework beforehand. Education is too expensive to purposely skip homework.

By Annelise Jacobs