Hey Hannah

Hey Hannah.png

Hey Hannah, How do I stop watching Netflix instead of doing my homework?

-Ned of Netflix

Do your homevork first and then vatch Netflix. Use Netflix as a motivation to get your stuff done. If this is hard for you, schedule your time visely so that you can efficiently finish vat you need to get done. Vatching Netflix isn’t a bad thing, but don’t let it get in the vay of your grades because it honestly isn’t vorth it. Union is expensive so if you vanna vaste your money by messing around then go ahead. 

Hey Hannah, What’s the best way for a college student to get a car?

-Carless Carrie

One of the best vays to buy a car is to buy one used because it’s more affordable. If you’d rather vait for your dream car then I vould suggest saving money each month until you can afford it. There are vebsites online that show the value of a used car and it vill help navigate vether or not it’s vorth buying. Vebsites like CarDirect and CarGuru make it easy to plug in the model and year you’re looking for. Ultimately, do some research before making a purchase. 

Hey Hannah, Ok so last week this guy asked me out, and I was like yeah man let’s do it, but he hasn't contacted me since. I sent him a text but he just hasn't gotten back to me. Should I try again or just drop him dead?

- Forgotten Francine 

I can guarantee that he isn’t vorth your time since he’s making you vait around. If this dude can forget you this qvick he probably isn’t ready for a relationship. If you think he deserves your time, let him come to you. But know your vorth gorl.

Hey Hannah, I feel like dropping out, what should I do?

-Drowning Daryl

Analyze vhy you’re feeling this vay. Is it because you feel a future that doesn’t involve college is really for you, because you don’t vant to put in the vork to succeed or do you really just need to take time to sort out your mental/physical health? However you’re feeling, find the root of the problem and then make the necessary changes. College isn’t for everyone, and if college is vhat you vant, you don’t have to finish in four years. Society normalizes the feeling of needing to “just get it done”, but if this isn’t for you, then don’t put yourself in a box you don’t vant to be in. I took a year off to do the ACA program in Spain my sophomore year and it vas the best year of my life. I don’t regret taking a year that vas all about ME. I needed that year to live my dream of going abroad and it gave me time to figure out vhere I vanted my life to go. Take the time to figure out vhere you vant your life to go because in ten years, you’ll vish you had listened to your heart.


Hannah Armstrong is a senior studying health and human performance.