A movie review of "Encanto": What has Disney done now? Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerJanuary 26, 202296.11
Christmas movies that aren’t actually Christmas movies Arts & Entertainment, ChristmasThe ClocktowerDecember 8, 2021christmas, die hard, james bond, movies, movie, 96.10
The world’s largest parade celebrates 95 years Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerNovember 17, 2021Macy's, Thanksgiving, Parade, 96.9
The GOP adopts a new slogan Arts & Entertainment, Politics, Political OpinionThe ClocktowerNovember 10, 2021GOP, politics, Political Opinion
Christmas music sparks the hottest debate: Change my mind Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerNovember 3, 202196.7
Part Two: Cultural Differences Arts & Entertainment, ACA/SMThe ClocktowerOctober 27, 2021Travel, 96.6
Falling into winter: How to enjoy the last bit of fall Arts & Entertainment, Lifestyle, Lincoln NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 27, 2021
Daniel Craig ends his 007 career Arts & Entertainment, Pop CultureThe ClocktowerOctober 27, 2021pop culture, 96.6Comment
Farm Fresh: Exploring local farmers markets Arts & Entertainment, Lincoln NewsThe ClocktowerOctober 19, 202196.1, Entertainment, lincolnnewsComment
ABBA returns?: Iconic disco group meets realistic holograms Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerOctober 19, 202196.1, EntertainmentComment
Fall is the superior season: And here's why ... Arts & Entertainment, LifestyleThe ClocktowerOctober 13, 202196.5
You Made It!: Inspirational Speeches for Union College’s Senior Class Arts & Entertainment, Pop CultureThe ClocktowerApril 30, 202195.22Comment
The Night Before Finals: A Union College Version Arts & Entertainment, ComedyThe ClocktowerApril 30, 202195.22Comment
We Didn’t Start the Fire: The Wild Events of 2021 Arts & Entertainment, Pop CultureThe ClocktowerApril 20, 202195.21Comment
Union Through Your Eyes: Tell Me You Go to Union Without Telling Me You Go to Union Comedy, Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerApril 20, 202195.21Comment
Jeans at Church: Why Do We Dress up for Church and Should We? Pop Culture, Arts & EntertainmentThe ClocktowerApril 18, 202195.20 Comments